We pledge to thee, oh BBG Our love, our youth, our loyalty. We sing to thee with joyous
sounds, Our voices reach the sky. From Zion came the white and blue. To give these colors bold and true. Our
loyal daughters gather round. To raise our flag on high!
B'nai B'rith Girls We're standing tall we're one
for all! B'nai B'rith Girls, We're her to stay.We'll pave the way for all the Jewish Youth.
B'nai B'rith Girls- we're standing here as one-HEY
B'nai B'rith Girls- for sisterhood and fun- HEY For love and laughter, friends that last,
times so good they go so fast. We stand and sing with all our might. B'nai B'rith girls our future's so bright!
Soooooooooo.. B'nai B'rith Girls- we're standing here as one-HEY
B'nai B'rith Girls- for sisterhood and fun- HEY Together as one, forever united! B'nai
B'rith Girls! (3xs)
BBG, how do you feel? We feel so good, Oh, we feel so good! (Ugh) Double time! (Ugh!
Ugh!) Triple time! (Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!) Thousand times! (Oooohhhhh!!)
Give a yell! Give a yell! Give
a big substantial yell! And when we yell, we yell like hell and this is what we say.. When ONR, When ONR, When
ONR comes marching in. Oh, how I want to be in that region, When ONR comes marching in! One more time! (Repeat!)
Hey (name) you're a real cool cat, You've got a lot of this and a lot of that! So come
on down to the boogie woogie town! Hands up, chuckie(4xs) Hands down, chuckie(4xs)
And a boom, chuckie(4xs)
BBG energy check! Clap(5xs) Clap(5xs) Clap(3xs) Clap (3xs) Huh! Huh!
Huh! Mind, Body, Attitude! Look at me, I'm BBG Lousy without and NJB Wholesome and
pink, That's at least what they think! I'm just a BBG! Hey, you! Your'e not a Jew I cannot
go out with you! You're a really nice guy,
but you don't wear a Chai! I'm just a BBG! Hey, you, AZA! I was not
brought up that way. Keep yourself in your pants, You can wait till Beau dance! I'm just a BBG!
Snoogling is the process By which we do perform The gentle art of necking In order
to keep warm. There's snoogling at the beaches, Snoogling at the park Snoogling's what an AZA will teach you in
the dark. Now gather round me girlies, And listen to my plea. Don't ever trust an AZA an inch above your TOE!
I know a girl who did once, And dearly did she pay: That son-of-a-gun he left her with a son-of-an-AZA. That
little AZA boy he grew up one fine day And met a BBG girl in that same old-fashioned way. Now these two took to snoogling,
Just like you and me. And that son-of-a-gun left her with a little BBG! And that's how we grew, and grew, and
grew And we're still growing! Leader: Is ____ the best region? Group: Hell yes! Leader:
Is ____ the best region? Group: Hell yes! If it sounds to you, it sounds to me, It's an L, It's an L,
It's an L-I-E (Repeat) Leader: Is ONR the best region? Group: Hell yes! Leader:I said is ONR the best
region? Group: Hell yes! If it sounds to you, it sounds to me, It's aV, it's a V, its a VICTORY! From
north to south, (from N to S) BBG's got the mouth, (BBG's got the mouth)..
Na na na na.. (Repeat with diff versions-
Kitchen to kitchen, BBG is really bitchin..
East to West, BBG is the best... etc)